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Caregiver Consultations

Unfortunately, more often than not, the diagnosis of Dementia may be provided by a medical professional with no additional follow up. You may ask, what now?

You are not alone. According to the Alzheimer's association, more than 11 million Americans are providing unpaid care for people with Alzheimer's or other dementias.

Book a personal one hour caregiver virtual consultation today where you will be provided information on how to best care for your loved one with Dementia.

"I don't even know where to start."

As an ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist and Certified Dementia Practitioner, I can help you better understand Dementia.
Your consultation may include the following ...

Information regarding the various stages as well as the progression of Dementia 

Provide guidance regarding various levels of care a person with Dementia may require

Common neurological impairments that may impact a person's ability with Dementia

Recommendations for functional activities that promote living with meaning and purpose

Recommendations for communication and verbal approach strategies 

Provide community caregiver resources and suggestions to promote caregiver wellness

Provide resources within the community for support and how to obtain in home care

A personalized post consultation document detailing topics discussed and reviewed

Dementia caregiver consultations are $165 for a 60 minute consultation. Before you book a consultation, please review our consultation description and consultation disclaimer.

"Dementia is near and dear to my heart. It is my privilege to provide consultations that my family and I sincerely needed and would've benefited greatly from, during our personal experiences with Dementia. "




In honor of Laudelina Marin Lendoiro




-Vanessa Alcala, Bilingual Speech-Language Pathologist and Owner of TheraVolve Wellness Co.   

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